Fall Break

Good afternoon everyone!
From October 8th to October 14th, we have fall break! Students who did not perform in the recital have a lesson as usual this week while students who did perform in the recital have the week off!
For Ms. Nobu and Ms. Liz’s students:
Ms. Nobu’s Saturday students are off on October 12, even if you did not perform in the recital. You will have your makeup date on December 7th instead!
Ms. Liz’s Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday students all have lessons as normal on October 9th, 10th, and 12th, respectively. For Wednesday students, your makeup date already happened last month! For Saturday students, your makeup date is also on December 7th. (Thursday students, your makeup dates are on a per-case basis since almost everyone performed!)
If you have any questions about makeup dates, please contact us via email at nobusakuraillc@gmail.com!